Let’s Pray Together for the Gospel to Spread throughout the UAE and Her Peoples
Forming a Discipleship Relationship Over Meals
After serving dinner to a family, a waiter and his wife were invited into the home of those they served. This was surprising for them. Most customers barely noticed them. This family though asked to invest in them deeply. They wanted to disciple them.
One Plants, One Waters
As a recruiter Matt receives phone calls often looking for jobs in Dubai and finds a simple bridge to the gospel by explaining hope is not found in a job. Matt was pleased when he received a text from one of the recipients, Joseph, that he got the job. Immediately Matt connected him…
Glorious Weather and Conversations
One weekend, my family and I found ourselves in a park here in the city. We were excited to enjoy the nice weather and each other’s company. Nearby was a family from a different culture. A simple hello and smile began the conversation. Our children enjoyed playing together so the conversation continued for a while.
Men Make Plans…(a teacher’s journey)
Moving to Dubai was never a part of my plan for my life. If you had asked me in 2012 where I saw myself in 10 years, I would have probably said something along the lines of married with kids working as a successful lawyer somewhere.
I once heard a saying: “Men make plans, and God laughs.” It turns out that saying is true for women as well.
“I Have Never Heard this Before”
Shelly, Susan, and Mandy had come to Dubai to see the sights and go to Expo. After wandering around and going into different pavilions, they realized that the world was represented at Expo not just by the country pavilions but by the many nationalities they had met while waiting in lines. They were also surprised to see more Emirates than they had seen anywhere else in Dubai. They wandered into a park area to sit and just relax for a while. As the girls were chatting about what they had seen in the pavilions they noticed two girls sitting not too far away.
Always Be Ready
Bob and his wife were at their favorite burger restaurant for a relaxing lunch with friends. Thompson, who was from Nigeria, was their waiter. He was a friendly, patient, and kind guy. Knowing his country has tribal, Christian, and Muslim citizens Bob assumed with a 'non-Muslim' name like Thompson he was most likely from 'Christian' background.
"To get nations back on their feet, we must first get down on our knees."
— Billy Graham