Always Be Ready

Bob and his wife were at their favorite burger restaurant for a relaxing lunch with friends.  Thompson, who was from Nigeria, was their waiter.  He was a friendly, patient, and kind guy.  Knowing his country has tribal, Christian, and Muslim citizens Bob assumed with a 'non-Muslim' name like Thompson he was most likely from 'Christian' background.  As they chatted between his trips to the table, Bob learned Thompson was actually Muslim and so was his father.   His father liked the name Thompson, so this is how the young man got his 'non-Muslim' name. 

Thompson asked if Bob was Christian.  Bob explained, “I am a follower of Christ.” 

Thompson looked puzzled and asked, "What do you mean?"   

Bob looked Thompson directly in the eye and told him, "We all have a really bad problem.  Our bad works make us the enemies of God.  Because of this problem we all deserved the fire, BUT God is a gracious God and loves us more than we can imagine.  The Holy Book says that The Christ had paid for all our bad works when He died on the cross.  The people who executed Him thought that was it.  No more trouble from Him, but He rose from the dead as He promised, and as a result has ultimate power over death.  This is all a gift from God.” 

Thompson listened intently.  When Bob finished, Thompson said he would like to meet to hear more about the Christ.  Bob gave him his phone number and told him to call him and let him know when they could meet up.   

Prayer Requests 

  • Ask for God to motivate Thompson to contact Bob and that he might also become a follower of The Christ. 

  • Pray that Christ followers would be in tune with the Spirit and listen to his prompting as they interact with people. 



Desert BBQ


The Perfect Father