Desert BBQ

A few weeks ago, Cindy and her family were able to go to the desert for a BBQ with some friends from church. About half the group were members and the other half were people that were invited by members. It was such a wonderful mix and reminder of what the body of Christ looks like. Cindy remembers talking to so many new people that were in need of a Savior; a family (husband, wife, and daughter) from Columbia, South America, a young couple from China, and a Filipino family. There was also a young man from Kenya that had just arrived in the country 2-3 weeks before and wanted to know how to share his faith in a culturally appropriate way, families from France that were visiting church members that were not walking with the Lord, and a couple from Singapore visiting church members whose faith was lukewarm. The beauty of the situation that struck Cindy was that the body of believers were mingling among the people carrying on conversations. They did not stay in cliques; they did not avoid anyone; they played games; they engaged others; they spoke common languages and not so common languages. They grilled meat together; the kids played in the sand together; they roamed the dunes together; they shared food together; and they shared the gospel together. 

“We shared life together and we laughed together,” reflected Cindy.  

During the evening Cindy and her son were standing talking to the Chinese couple in Chinese when the Kenyan guy joined the group. He just kept looking around the group and nodding his head. Cindy didn't think twice about it (she’s been in Dubai long enough to know that people can speak all sorts of languages), but after about 5 minutes the conversation slowed a little and he had a puzzled look on his face. At this point Cindy had not met him yet, so she introduced herself in English and asked if he understood Chinese.  

"No, I don't, and I'm confused, because you and your son, don't look like you should be able to either,” he responded. We all enjoyed a good laugh! Another friend jumped in who is Malaysian Chinese and she said,  

"Yes,” another Malaysian Chinese friend said who had jumped into the conversation, “I should be able to speak Chinese, and they speak more than me - this country is just full of surprises."  

“She is right,” exclaimed Cindy. “We live in a place that is full of all sorts of surprises. I can't wait to see how God will use all of this for His glory!” 

As Cindy left the desert that night, she was in amazement of how God brought families and singles, from all over the world, believers and non-believers, introverts and extroverts, children and adults. She reflected on how He used food and games, sand and vehicles, chairs and conversations to bring glory and honor to Himself. Sometimes you might not be able to answer all the questions being asked but getting people in a safe and loving environment will speak far louder than anything you can ever say for the sake of the gospel! 

 Prayer Requests

  • Pray for pre-Christians to see the love and peace of God that is reflected in their believing friends and desire to know God and His forgiveness..

  • Pray for Christ-followers to be intentional about gathering with their non-believing friends.


February 2022 Prayer Requests


Always Be Ready