Men Make Plans…(a teacher’s journey)

Moving to Dubai was never a part of my plan for my life. If you had asked me in 2012 where I saw myself in 10 years, I would have probably said something along the lines of married with kids working as a successful lawyer somewhere.

I once heard a saying: “Men make plans, and God laughs.” It turns out that saying is true for women as well.

It never ceases to amaze me the way God equips us for our calling, and we often don’t even realize it until much later. Hindsight and life reflection can certainly be forms of worship if you ask me. Growing up, I was always told I would make a great lawyer. I had every intention of pursuing that after high school. And yet, here I am- a middle school social studies teacher for the past 5 years now living in Dubai with the intention of sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ with people from every tribe, tongue, and nation.

Every time I thought my life wasn’t going the way it should, God was working behind the scenes to prepare me for this moment, this city, this school, this community.

  • When he moved my family to Arizona in 2013 (against my will), he was preparing me for the brutal heat of the Middle East.

  • When I began pursuing teaching in college, he was preparing me for these coworkers and students at this school.

  • When I never got married or had kids like I had always hoped, he was making sure I wouldn’t have anything to hold me back or to use as an excuse.

  • When I was suddenly bit by the travel bug and an adventurous spirit last year, he was making sure I knew that I could do hard, scary things.

I’ve been in Dubai for less than two months, but I can already see a multitude of ways in which God’s hand has been all over this move. I can’t wait to see how many other ways he provides for me and equips me to carry out his mission here in Dubai.


A New Hindu Temple Opens


October 2022 Prayer Requests