“I Have Never Heard this Before”

Shelly, Susan, and Mandy had come to Dubai to see the sights and go to Expo.  After wandering around and going into different pavilions, they realized that the world was represented at Expo not just by the country pavilions but by the many nationalities they had met while waiting in lines.  They were also surprised to see more Emirates than they had seen anywhere else in Dubai.  They wandered into a park area to sit and just relax for a while. As the girls were chatting about what they had seen in the pavilions they noticed two girls sitting not too far away. 

“Hi!  Are you from here?” Susan ventured out and a conversation began.

“Yes, we live in Dubai.  My name is Wadha and this is my sister, Amal.

Shelly, Susan, and Mandy asked Wadha and Amal about their hopes and dreams.  The conversation eventually shifted to spiritual beliefs.  The sisters both agreed that they were sinners, but that ultimately God was merciful. He would forgive them and allow them into paradise.  (Islam teaches that one’s good works must outweigh their bad works.  No one will know their final destination until they stand before Allah, and he judges them.)

“We are followers of Christ,” Shelly responded.  “We believe differently.”  The girls went on to share about how God loves each of us and sent Jesus to die in our place for the payment of sin, and how by His grace we are redeemed.  

Amal looked at Shelly and said, “This is very interesting!  I have never heard this before!”

The girls were very excited! They were in awe that they were talking to people who had never heard the truth about Jesus.  They began to share more.  About that time, Wadha and Amal’s mom, aunt, and sisters joined them, and the conversation shifted.  The girls got the sisters’ contact information and are praying that they can stay in contact from abroad.

Prayer Requests

  • Praise God that seeds were planted.  Ask that He would send someone else into these sisters’ lives to continue sharing truth.

  • Pray against interruptions while the Good News is being communicated.  (This happens regularly!) The enemy is clever and will do his best to not allow people to hear the Gospel. 


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