One Plants, One Waters

As a recruiter Matt receives phone calls often looking for jobs in Dubai and finds a simple bridge to the gospel by explaining hope is not found in a job. Matt was pleased when he received a text from one of the recipients, Joseph, that he got the job. Immediately Matt connected him with a local church and with other young couples.  

Joseph and his wife, Kate, came from nominal Catholic backgrounds and cherished their newfound community in small group.  

During Matt’s small group time, they prayed for one person each small group member could be intentional with that year to lead toward Christ. A CEO in Matt’s small group, Richard, said, “I don’t have just one person, I see myself as a CEO who wants all my employees to know him and walk closer to him.” They began to pray for his company all together.  

That same week Matt gets a text from Henry, the man he’s discipling that says, “Joseph and Kate stayed after small group again and we talked about what it means to be born again rather than relying on our works to get to heaven.” When Matt and Henry meet up that week, Henry’s eyes start to glisten. “Joseph and Kate believed,” said Henry. “This is the reason I came here and God placed us in this city.” 

Then Matt made the connection that Joseph worked for Richard’s company, which they were all praying for a couple weeks before.  

Prayer Request

  • Pray for Christ followers to boldly identify in their workplaces as followers of Christ.

  • Pray that Christ followers would be united in their desire for more to know Him even as they play their different roles in planting and watering as in 1 Corinthians 3:7.  

So neither he who plants nor he who waters is anything, but only God who gives the growth. (1 Corinthians 3:7 ESV) 


Coffee and Christmas


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