Forming a Discipleship Relationship Over Meals

After serving dinner to a family, a waiter and his wife were invited into the home of those they served. This was surprising for them. Most customers barely noticed them. This family though asked to invest in them deeply. They wanted to disciple them.

Junior and Marié are from Cameroon. They have a baby back home and save up all their extra income to support their family. They have a relationship with Jesus but had never had someone intentionally disciple them. They were also lacking community in Dubai.

“Our unity is not based on our cultural similarities, but based on our Creator, and we see the evidence of that in our house gatherings,” said Peter who disciples Junior. Peter and his family went to the same restaurant every week to build relationships with the waitstaff and learn their stories. They would try to tip them well in cash so that they would be paid fairly for their services.

They found Junior and Marié were open to the Gospel and wanted to spend time in prayer and study together every week. They longed to read the Word but had not found community or the time to do so. “We are in different socio-economic situations, but that does not keep up from wanting a relationship. It was surprising to Junior and Marié at first,” said Peter. “We want to equip believers to raise up other believers within their own cultures when they return home.”

Prayer Requests

  • Pray for believers living in the UAE to learn to be intentional as Peter and his family are.

  • Pray for believers to show the watching world that in the church “there is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is no male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.”


Supporting a Young Child From a Distance


January 2023 Prayer Requests