Let’s Pray Together for the Gospel to Spread throughout the UAE and Her Peoples
With Zeal and Joy
Abedi is from a nearby country of the UAE where most of the local population are Muslim. He became a Christian outside of his country and then moved to Dubai. He found a solid evangelical church and began to grow in his faith. He went through an intentional discipleship program that lasted about a year. When the year was finished, he understood what it meant to be a follower of Christ.
Forming a Discipleship Relationship Over Meals
After serving dinner to a family, a waiter and his wife were invited into the home of those they served. This was surprising for them. Most customers barely noticed them. This family though asked to invest in them deeply. They wanted to disciple them.
Gripping Fear
Recently, Brad met up with Mohammed in a virtual video call. The couple and little boy are still hoping to be granted asylum in the European country where they live. Mohammed expressed concern for his wife. Fear of their past, present, and their future is threatening Miriam. She was raised in a VERY conservative part of her homeland. The new faith she and Mohammed confess would absolutely not be an option if they were to be sent back to their home country.
What Does Gospel Proclamation and Discipleship Look Like in a City of Multiple Languages
So, the multiple languages impact corporate worship in the church, and they also impact one-to-one discipleship. Recently, I met a lady who heard the gospel in English and came to faith reading an English Bible. However, English is not her heart language. After coming to faith, she was baptized in an English-speaking church and then discipled in English.
A month ago, this woman realized that she did not know how to pray in her heart language. She realized she had never shared the gospel in her heart language. She didn’t know how to study the Bible or make disciples in her heart language.
Sharing Christ from a Distance
Jeanine moved to Dubai from the Philippines to earn money that she could send home in order to support her family. She had two sons while living in Dubai but never married. She was forced to send her children home to the Philippines to be raised by her mother in a nominally Catholic home.
Forming a Discipleship Relationship Over Meals
After serving dinner to a family, a waiter and his wife were invited into the home of those they served. This was surprising for them. Most customers barely noticed them. This family though asked to invest in them deeply. They wanted to disciple them.
"To get nations back on their feet, we must first get down on our knees."
— Billy Graham