Sharing Christ from a Distance

Jeanine moved to Dubai from the Philippines to earn money that she could send home in order to support her family. She had two sons while living in Dubai but never married.  She was forced to send her children home to the Philippines to be raised by her mother in a nominally Catholic home.  

After 22 years, Jeanine learned about what Jesus had done for her through a co-worker. She began to attend a local church. As she was discipled, she became burdened for her family. Her sons were now 18 and 20 and were living worldly lives.  

Jeanine had only met her sons three times in their lives. The last time she visited the Philippines was over seven years ago. Whenever she talked to her sons about Jesus, they said that Jesus was her thing, not theirs. Jeanine continued to pray for her sons every day.  She asked her Bible study group to join her in  prayer which they did for many months. 

At last, her sons agreed to study the book of Mark with her out of obligation. Over the weeks of their video chat study, the sons began to take more ownership. They started to text their mom questions about what they studied and wanted to close their time in prayer. 

Prayer Requests

  • Praise God for Christ followers who are willing to share the Great News with their coworkers.

  • Pray for mothers and fathers separated from their unbelieving children to persevere in sharing the Truth in whatever means they can.   


The Evangelist


Being Salt and Light in Dubai