Being Salt and Light in Dubai

What does it look like to be an intentional, committed follower of Jesus in the marketplace? David moved with his wife and children to Dubai where he works a normal business job, but there is nothing normal about David.  He and his wife have tried to live their lives aware of the people around them and their need for Jesus.  Here’s a glimpse into his life:

  • David works directly with four colleagues from another Gulf country and by nationality and birth are Muslim.  They have heard him talk about Jesus but are not open to the Gospel yet.  David works 40 hours a week with these people and prays that God will continue to open doors for seeds to be planted

  • David has friend from another Gulf country nearby who is also in the same line of work. Mohammed attended university in the States.  He came to Dubai for a visit.  He was open to attending church and a small group with David.

  • David and his wife went to Abu Dhabi for the weekend to celebrate their anniversary. While they were there, they met a lovely Tunisian woman who was working at their hotel.  They shared Jesus with her and asked if they could pray for her.  They invited her to come visit them in Dubai.  During her visit she attended church and small group with them.  They also spent time reading and discussing the Bible.

  • David met another man from Central Asia, Adham, through his job.  They became friends and would meet up to read the Bible. Over the course of a year, David shared the Great News with him.  Adham had never understood that Jesus was our perfect sacrifice, but as they discussed it, he said it made sense.  Adham also visited David’s small group.  He told David that after all his years in Dubai, this was the first time he met people who were all from different social statuses and different cultures happy and joyful together.  David shared with Adham that this community is united because of the love of Christ.

Prayer Requests

  • Seeds like this are being planted all over Dubai.  Pray for fertile ground for these seeds to root in.  Pray for an abundant harvest in Dubai!

  • Pray for more Davids and his family to move to Dubai and be intentional about sharing their faith.

  • Pray for the Believers who already live in Dubai to claim Acts 1:8 and begin to make disciples that make disciples


Sharing Christ from a Distance


November 2021 Prayer Requests