Gripping Fear

Recently, Brad met up with Mohammed in a virtual video call. The couple and little boy are still hoping to be granted asylum in the European country where they live. Mohammed expressed concern for his wife. Fear of their past, present, and their future is threatening Miriam. She was raised in a VERY conservative part of her homeland. The new faith she and Mohammed confess would absolutely not be an option if they were to be sent back to their home country. She is concerned for her family if some people in her home village were to find about their faith. She is fearful regarding the Asylum Court’s possible decision that could send them back to their homeland.

Mohammed is in a much more positive place. Due to requesting asylum he can work some. Despite working with an oppressive manager, Mohammed is seeing the Master work. Everyone at his work got Covid but him! He confessed in the beginning of the conversation that he is understanding more and more of what he reads daily from the Holy Book. Brad reminded him this comes from the help of the Holy Spirit. Early that day Brad sent Mohammed the first few verses of John 15.  During the call they studied the whole chapter. Mohammed would read, then explain to Brad what the passage said. Next Brad would ask him, now that he understands, what does he need to do. It was astounding to Brad how The Master was growing Mohammed.  He confessed that he is seeing God work in his life and their situation daily. Brad was greatly encouraged after their time together and praised the Master with Mohammed as they prayed together.

Prayer Requests 

  • Would you cry out to God on behalf of Miriam? Please ask God to relieve of her of fear and for her to daily see in the little things how God is caring for her and her family.

  • Pray for other believers of Muslim background to not allow fear to dominate their lives but trust in God and His power.


Emirati Bedu


September 2022 Prayer Requests