September 2022 Prayer Requests

“God is pursuing with omnipotent passion a worldwide purpose of gathering joyful worshipers for Himself from every tribe and tongue and people and nation. He has an inexhaustible enthusiasm for the supremacy of His name among the nations. Therefore, let us bring our affections into line with His, and, for the sake of His name, let us renounce the quest for worldly comforts and join His global purpose.” ~ John Piper

The Suhail star was seen in the early hours of August 24th by astronomers in the UAE marking the end of the sweltering summer heat. Residents were very happy as temperatures hit 122F/50C several days this summer. The Suhail star is seen only during the winter months in the Arabian Peninsula. It will take weeks for the temperature to be considered nice, but hope is on the horizon. The roads are pretty quiet as many are still traveling. However that will change as people return this week. Most schools will start around August 28. Pray for believing teachers as they start the new school year.

We have several resources that you can use this month as you pray. We have a 30 day prayer calendar as well as 5 key prayer requests that you can use as a desktop wallpaper, save on your phone, or share on social media, etc. Please also share with your churches and small groups. Help us mobilize many to pray for the UAE! May we see many come to Christ and a church-planting movement sweep through this country! Click the button below to download a zip file that contains all the resources. Don’t forget to follow us on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter. Spread the news!

PDF calendar to pray specifically for the UAE

5 key prayer requests for phone


Gripping Fear


When There is No Job