When There is No Job

Mohammed has continued to grow in his faith.  He chose to follow Christ after studying the Bible with Brad for many weeks.   Miriam believes but is not yet ready to confess Christ.  Mohammed is seeing hope for his small son in the Savior. As Covid was running rampant around the world Mohammed’s employer went out of business. He was jobless until he took a job that saw him work 12–14-hour days, 7 days a week, for 6 months on a special project. When that project ended, he worked for 2 other private firms who expected him to work nearly the same schedule, BUT they chose not to pay him after a month of work. 

The family is not able to stay without a work visa for Mohammed. They cannot return to their home country as Islamic State controls much of it. After some prayer, Mohammed felt God was telling him they should leave and go to a European country. They would go like many of their fellow countrymen, by plane, by vehicle, and by foot. Brad challenged the concept a couple of times, but Mohammed still felt the same.  Brad and Mary said goodbye to them knowing that their way would be difficult. They were able to take Mohammed and Miriam out for a meal and prayed with them for their safety and next destination.   Mohammed confessed that he knows God is in control. 

Prayer Requests

  • Pray for those living in the UAE who have lost jobs and cannot find another. Pray that their needs will be met.

  • Pray for Believers of Muslim Backgrounds to stand firm when circumstances become hard.


September 2022 Prayer Requests


Relationship Challenges