Relationship Challenges

Josh*, Mary*, and their children have lived in UAE for several years.  Josh* has been part of a business start-up.  They have come to love the Emirati people, and they labor to intentionally live within the Emirati community for the sake of the Gospel. 

While spending the evening at a local park, Mary* and her children began interacting with an Emirati family.  Eventually, Mary* sat on the family’s blanket, drank tea, and chatted with a young Emirati mother while they children played together.  At the end of the young mother invited Mary* and her entire family to visit their home the following week.

The week passed, and Josh*, Mary*, and their children all went together to visit home of the Emirati family Mary* had recently met.  The visit between the two families was a delight!  They ate together and chatted while the children played.  Josh* enjoyed learning about the customs of the local fishing village where they visited, and Mary* enjoyed talking about motherhood with the young Emirati mom.  In addition, Mary* had the opportunity to explain the whole Gospel to the young mom who appeared to listen and understand.  It was an exciting visit, and Josh’s* family was hopeful of many more opportunities to visit with their new Emirati friends.

Unfortunately, a few years have passed, and Josh’s family has never met together with this Emirati family again.  They exchange texts with pleasantries, and Mary* has met the young mom a couple times.  However, the relationship and opportunity to teach the Gospel to this Emirati family has never developed.

Stories like this are too common in UAE, and within the Emirati community.  Despite Christians’ best efforts, they often remain on the outside of Emirati family and community life.  Furthermore, the Gospel continues to be a stumbling block and offense that further separates Christians and Emirati Arabs, who identify with Islam.

Prayer Requests

  • Christian witnesses in UAE to not grow weary in well doing, and to maintain confidence in the power of the Gospel to save all who believe.

  • Emirati families to welcome Christian witness into their homes and communities.  Pray Emirati people would be compelled to believe according to the Spirit’s work through the Gospel message and its messengers.

*Names have been changed


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