Glorious Weather and Conversations

In the Emirates, the cliche is that we have two seasons—hot and hotter. Residents collectively sigh with relief when October rolls around as we finally feel a break from the intense heat of summer as well as the humidity that follows. From October to May, we find ourselves eager to be outside enjoying the comfortable weather. My family and I enjoy afternoons and evenings in parks around the city where my children can swing, play tennis or basketball, walk around a track, or play with friends at the playground. Often, we take a picnic and enjoy our meal outside. Parks are a fun place to enjoy a small space of nature without having to travel far from your home.

One weekend, my family and I found ourselves in a park here in the city. We were excited to enjoy the nice weather and each other’s company. Nearby was a family from a different culture. A simple hello and smile began the conversation. Our children enjoyed playing together so the conversation continued for a while. It was nearing the Easter season, so I asked if this family had heard of Easter. Easter was familiar to them as they had heard about the Easter Bunny from movies. I shared how this is a cultural tradition often associated with Easter. As I shared the real meaning of Easter, this family revealed they had never heard this before. In sharing about the Christ who suffered and died for us and victoriously arose to life; I was excited to have the opportunity to share the true story of Easter and the Greatest News I’ve heard.

Prayer Requests

  • Pray for this family who heard the Great News that day. Ask that God they would be open to hearing more stories about the Christ and that they would have faith to believe in Him.

  • Pray for believers in the Emirates to be bold witnesses not only in the places where they live and work, but also in parks as they play


Neighborhood Parks


November 2022 Prayer Requests