Let’s Pray Together for the Gospel to Spread throughout the UAE and Her Peoples

Prayer, Prayer Story Pray for UAE Prayer, Prayer Story Pray for UAE


Michael and Ahmed meet up for coffee regularly.  As they were catching up over their espressos, Ahmed opened a conversation topic that they had never discussed before – WITCHCRAFT!  A manager in his company, while they were eating lunch, warned Ahmed to watch his relationships with colleagues. 

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Prayer Story, Prayer Pray for UAE Prayer Story, Prayer Pray for UAE

Escaping the Heat

Cheryl had the opportunity to travel to Europe for an evangelism project. The country was beautiful, and many Arabs from the Arabian Peninsula traveled there to escape the heat and enjoy the green scenery. One evening Cheryl was paired with another woman who just happened to be named Cheryl which they found to be humorous. They were both close to the same age and both introverts. They had an enjoyable evening connecting with different Arabs but were finding it difficult moving from social conversations to spiritual conversations.

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Prayer, Prayer Story Pray for UAE Prayer, Prayer Story Pray for UAE

Emirati Bedu

Mohammed* is an Emirati Bedouin from the Northern Emirates. He loves his camels, and he invests lots of time and energy in caring for them. He oversees regular blood tests to ensure they are healthy. He watches his racing camels exercise at the nearby camel track. He drives to another farm to gather milk from his she-camels.

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Prayer, Prayer Story Pray for UAE Prayer, Prayer Story Pray for UAE

Syrian Sweets

Charlie walked through the alleys of the souk as the sun began to set. As he made his way past different vendors he stopped and looked at souvenirs that he could take home to his family. He looked up and noticed a a young guy, probably around his age staring at him. Charlie smiled at him and the guy smiled back and then walked through a doorway.

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Prayer, Prayer Story Pray for UAE Prayer, Prayer Story Pray for UAE

UAE Social Media Statistics

The total population in the UAE in 2022 is 10.08 million. 99% of the population are active internet users. 98.99% use social media. People in the UAE spend an average of 3 hours per day on social media while the daily average time spent using the internet is 8.5 hours which is an hour more than in 2021.

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"To get nations back on their feet, we must first get down on our knees."

— Billy Graham