
Michael and Ahmed meet up for coffee regularly.  As they were catching up over their espressos, Ahmed opened a conversation topic that they had never discussed before – WITCHCRAFT!  A manager in his company, while they were eating lunch, warned Ahmed to watch his relationships with colleagues.  The manager then stated how training in the black arts of witchcraft is on the rise in the UAE.  Ahmed queried why the trend since witchcraft is strictly forbidden in Islam.  His colleague explained that people are getting trained in the witchcraft art of curses.  They learn how to put curses on anyone who may hinder or complete with them professionally.  The move is seen as a way to get the upper hand in the professional world. The power of witchcraft and curses is seen as beneficial. Witchcraft is strictly forbidden and illegal in the UAE. 

The UAE Public Prosecution, via social media, warned residents against practicing, promoting, or assisting in any act of sorcery or witchcraft in the country again in the past few months. Punishable acts include using illegitimate means to affect the 'body, heart, mind or will of another person.' There is a minimum 50,000AED ($13,612USD) fine and imprisonment.  However, beyond the legalities, no one is counting the cost of flirting with the evil power.

Prayer Requests

  •  Pray against this evil!  Pray that Muslims will understand the forces they are dabbling in.

  • Pray that believers will stand firm against the evil one. Pray that they will be able to discern when these practices are happening in their workplaces.




March 2023 Prayer Requests


With Zeal and Joy