Syrian Sweets

Charlie walked through the alleys of the souk as the sun began to set. As he made his way past different vendors he stopped and looked at souvenirs that he could take home to his family. He looked up and noticed a a young guy, probably around his age staring at him. Charlie smiled at him and the guy smiled back and then walked through a doorway.

Charlie decided to follow him. He found the stranger standing behind a counter of chocolates and dates, eagerly awaiting a passerby to stop and try a few of the treats. He started handing Charlie dates and chocolates, explaining that most of them came from Syria, his home country. He said his name was Ahmed.

Charlie began to ask Ahmed about his life in the city and he learned that Ahmed was without his family, and that his father had passed away in Syria during the war. It was difficult to communicate because of the language barrier, but as their conversation came to a close, Charlie asked Ahmed if he could pray for him. Ahmed agreed, and Charlie prayed, asking Jesus to show Ahmed the love that God has for him, and to reveal the truth of who the Savior is to him.

When Charlie finished praying he looked up and saw tears in Ahmed’s eyes; he could not speak and clutched his heart. The only thing he could say over and over again was, “I have never felt this before. Thank you.”

Charlie stayed with Ahmed a few more minutes, exchanged phone numbers and said that he hoped to see him again soon.

Later that week Ahmed and Charlie met for lunch. During that time, Charlie shared the good news of Jesus Christ with Ahmed and prayed with Ahmed again. Though Charlie does not think Ahmed fully understood the gospel because of the language barrier, Ahmed did take Charlie’s hands and prayed for him in his mother tongue.

Charlie was able to send Ahmed a video in Arabic that explained the story of the Jesus.

Prayer Requests

  • Please pray for Ahmed as he processes the information of the gospel, and that he will ask his new friend Charlie questions.

  • Pray for the many Syrians who are working in the UAE to have access to the Great News.


Loving and Serving a Christ-Follower in Need


Summers in the UAE