Loving and Serving a Christ-Follower in Need

In many countries around the world, it is dangerous to turn to follow Jesus. Your family may persecute you, or the government may. The risks are high, and persecution is guaranteed. In one country within a 4-hour flight of Dubai, a young new Christian believer was being discipled secretly by a pastor. However, one day her safety was threatened, and the pastor helped her leave.  

She landed in Dubai not knowing anyone and not speaking English well. She was afraid and isolated and unable to call any of her friends or family. Her pastor connected her to a friend in the city. This friend took her into her home and loved her. She reached out to other Christians from the same country and together they came around this sister and loved on her.  

They are providing a place for her to stay. They have helped her create an English resume/CV. They are helping her look for a job and learn English. They also are translating an English-speaking worship service so she can understand.  

This young lady has many needs, but the family of God is coming around her and caring for her. This is one of the many great truths about following Jesus. When we turn to Jesus, we receive a new family that loves us deeply.  

 Prayer Requests

  • Pray for young ladies like Sarah who have lost everything because they turned to follow Jesus.

  • Pray the church will love them well.

  • Pray that these displace believers will grow in their love for Jesus.  


August 2022 Prayer Requests


Syrian Sweets