August 2022 Prayer Requests

“The Great Commission is not an option to be considered; it is a command to be obeyed.” ~ Hudson Taylor

Summer brings many transitions across the UAE. June and July saw people from around the world moving home. Continue to pray for those who have made a decision to follow Christ while living in the UAE to find fellowship in their home countries. August will see many new people moving to the UAE. Pray for believers to to make it a priority to find churches where they can plug in, grow, and serve. Pray that they will grasp that while they moved to the UAE for a job, God has a greater purpose for their lives. Pray that they will see the lostness around them and learn to be intentional sharers of the Great News. New teachers will also be arriving this month. Pray for understanding and perseverance as they set up classrooms, learn new school structures, and try to comprehend many new cultures in this very international country.

We have several resources that you can use this month as you pray. We have a 31 day prayer calendar as well as 5 key prayer requests that you can use as a desktop wallpaper, save on your phone, or share on social media, etc. Please also share with your churches and small groups. Help us mobilize many to pray for the UAE! May we see many come to Christ and a church-planting movement sweep through this country! Click the button below to download a zip file that contains all the resources. Don’t forget to follow us on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter. Spread the news!

PDF calendar to pray specifically for the UAE

5 key prayer requests for phone


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