Escaping the Heat

Cheryl had the opportunity to travel to Europe for an evangelism project.  The country was beautiful, and many Arabs from the Arabian Peninsula traveled there to escape the heat and enjoy the green scenery.  One evening Cheryl was paired with another woman who just happened to be named Cheryl which they found to be humorous.  They were both close to the same age and both introverts.  They had an enjoyable evening connecting with different Arabs but were finding it difficult moving from social conversations to spiritual conversations.  Each time they asked a leading question that would move the conversation to spiritual matters the subject was changed, or they were interrupted.  The ladies were getting discouraged.  It was getting later in the evening, so they decided to walk back to the meeting place and see if there was someone to engage with on the way. 

The ladies saw a group of women looking into a shop of accessories that was closed for the day.  Cheryl made a comment about what they were looking at and the conversation began.  They found out that the ladies were from Abu Dhabi.  They were a mom and four daughters on a girls’ trip.  They were enjoying their time together as they toured parts of Europe.  The outreach ladies were able to move the conversation into spiritual matters by talking about the pandemic and the fear of death that was seen around the world.  One of the Cheryls said she was not afraid because she had the confidence that she would spend eternity with God not because of her good works but because of what Jesus had done.  At this point the mother became the spokesperson of the Muslim family.  It was a great dialogue with both Cheryls sharing verses and stories while the other women shared about what they believed.  The mother was convinced of what she believed, and the daughters were agreeing with her but did not comment much.  As the conversation ended, the ladies promised to text Cheryl.  This did not happen, but later that evening as the outreach team debriefed, they prayed that God would use their conversation to touch some of the women’s hearts and drive them to explore more of what was discussed.

Prayer Requests

  • Pray for God to touch these women deeply and bring to mind the conversation of Great News. Pray that they would be brave enough to explore truth.

  • Pray for the hundreds of Arabs that heard the Great News this summer. Pray that God would grow the seeds that were planted.


October 2022 Prayer Requests


Emirati Bedu