Let’s Pray Together for the Gospel to Spread throughout the UAE and Her Peoples

Prayer Story, Discipleship Pray for UAE Prayer Story, Discipleship Pray for UAE

Gripping Fear

Recently, Brad met up with Mohammed in a virtual video call. The couple and little boy are still hoping to be granted asylum in the European country where they live. Mohammed expressed concern for his wife. Fear of their past, present, and their future is threatening Miriam. She was raised in a VERY conservative part of her homeland. The new faith she and Mohammed confess would absolutely not be an option if they were to be sent back to their home country. 

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September 2022 Prayer Requests

The Suhail star was seen in the early hours of August 24th by astronomers in the UAE marking the end of the sweltering summer heat. Residents were very happy as temperatures hit 122F/50C several days this summer. The Suhail star is seen only during the winter months in the Arabian Peninsula. It will take weeks for the temperature to be considered nice, but hope is on the horizon.

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Prayer Story Pray for UAE Prayer Story Pray for UAE

When There is No Job

Mohammed has continued to grow in his faith. He chose to follow Christ after studying the Bible with Brad for many weeks. Miriam believes but is not yet ready to confess Christ. Mohammed is seeing hope for his small son in the Savior. As Covid was running rampant around the world Mohammed’s employer went out of business. He was jobless until he took a job that saw him work 12–14-hour days, 7 days a week, for 6 months on a special project.

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Prayer Story, Unreached Peoples Pray for UAE Prayer Story, Unreached Peoples Pray for UAE

Relationship Challenges

While spending the evening at a local park, Mary* and her children began interacting with an Emirati family. Eventually, Mary* sat on the family’s blanket, drank tea, and chatted with a young Emirati mother while they children played together. At the end of the young mother invited Mary* and her entire family to visit their home the following week.

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International church, Discipleship Pray for UAE International church, Discipleship Pray for UAE

What Does Gospel Proclamation and Discipleship Look Like in a City of Multiple Languages

So, the multiple languages impact corporate worship in the church, and they also impact one-to-one discipleship. Recently, I met a lady who heard the gospel in English and came to faith reading an English Bible. However, English is not her heart language. After coming to faith, she was baptized in an English-speaking church and then discipled in English.  

A month ago, this woman realized that she did not know how to pray in her heart language. She realized she had never shared the gospel in her heart language. She didn’t know how to study the Bible or make disciples in her heart language.

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August 2022 Prayer Requests

Summer brings many transitions across the UAE. June and July saw people from around the world moving home. Continue to pray for those who have made a decision to follow Christ while living in the UAE to find fellowship in their home countries. August will see many new people moving to the UAE. Pray for believers to to make it a priority to find churches where they can plug in, grow, and serve. Pray that they will grasp that while they moved to the UAE for a job, God has a greater purpose for their lives.

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"To get nations back on their feet, we must first get down on our knees."

— Billy Graham