
In the land of desert and shopping malls there is a short winter season, upper 60 degrees Fahrenheit, where parks are filled with residents of the UAE. These small patches of green oasis are scattered about the cities, some cost money to enter, others are free, but what they all provide is a unique space to cultivate relationships. 

Through Covid, indoor (and most outdoor) gatherings have been restricted which created the opportunity to make new relationships in parks. We see the Father using these places for people to cross cultural and “Covid” barriers as children play and adults walk or talk. The Father has given opportunities and possibilities in these oasis.

Prayer Requests 

  • Praise the Father that even in Covid there have been opportunities to meet people outside of our families in places like parks.   

  • Please pray for more casual relationships that will progress into deeper spirit centered conversations that will lead to new faith.   

  • Pray for the relationships that have already been formed that the Father would continue to give opportunity and that we would see a harvest from these. 



Coffee and Christmas


We are hopeful about the next 50 years in the UAE