We are hopeful about the next 50 years in the UAE

Christians in the UAE remain grateful for dialogue, openness, and mutual respect.

Late one night in September 1968, three years before the UAE became a nation, a Bedouin woman was giving birth at the Oasis Hospital, a Christian mission hospital in Al Ain. Complications required a C-section delivery, and the mother needed blood. A member of the missions staff who was there recalled personnel “chasing around to all the companies at midnight trying to find a donor with the right blood type.” Out of 50 people tested, only the attending physician, Dr. Marian Kennedy, and one of the nurses had the right blood type! So, Dr. Marian interrupted the procedure, gave blood herself, and then completed the delivery.

You can finish reading the article here: https://gulfnews.com/opinion/op-eds/we-are-hopeful-about-the-next-50-years-in-the-uae-1.83946907

Prayer Requests

  • Praise God for the Christian medical missionaries who came to serve the peoples of the UAE when life was difficult.

  • Pray that Believers living in the UAE will represent Christ well and be salt and light to their friends, neighbors, and colleagues.




December 2021 Prayer Requests