Unusual Grace

It's Friday, one o'clock in the afternoon. Friday is the sacred day of worship in the UAE's primary religion, as directed by their holy book. On regular days, we hear the call to prayer go out five times each day, plus the actual prayer about 20 minutes after each call. But on Fridays, the day of congregational prayer, in addition to each call and prayer we also hear the Friday sermon in the afternoon. 

I try to remember not to go out prior to the Friday sermon, because traffic is crazy, and everywhere, people (men) rush to get to the mosque on time. And why shouldn't they? After all, as their prophet Muhammad said, "The five daily prayers, and from one Friday prayer 'til the next, serves as an expiation for whatever sins have been committed between them, provided one does not commit any major sin." They believe Allah (God) has set apart Friday as more virtuous than other days, thereby making their prayers more valuable and themselves more susceptible to receiving blessings from him on that day. I imagine I'd hurry to Friday prayers, too, if my faith didn't rest on a gracious and forgiving God. 

That's what's happening in the city surrounding me as I sit in the majlis (Arabic, "a place of sitting") at my workplace this Friday afternoon. But then, from the inner room I hear music... in a different language at first, then later in English. The song progresses to the chorus, and this is what I hear: 

 Mover of mountains, breaker of chains

Jesus has triumphed over the grave

Sing hallelujah! The battle is won

Nothing can stand against our God

There's something about hearing those truths sung as the outside world does as I described above that really takes you aback. And it's true! Nothing can stand against our God. No matter how few and far between His children may seem here, or how predominant another religion may seem in this country, nothing can stand against our God. He is moving mountains and breaking chains here in this country, this city, this workplace, and He has triumphed over the grave.  

Prayer Requests

  • Pray that Muslims will grasp the reality that God is merciful and gracious, slow to anger, and abounding in steadfast love and faithfulness, but He will by no means clear the guilty except through the precious blood of Jesus.

  • Pray that Christ followers will be encouraged at just the right time through music, Scripture, or spoken words.


God Works through Our Fear


May 2022 Prayer Requests