May 2022 Prayer Requests
Prayer does not fit us for the greater work; prayer is the greater work. ~ Oswald Chambers
Easter was celebrated by believers from many different nationalities with special services on Easter Sunday which was a first! In the past, Sunday was the first day of the work week so there were only Sunrise services before people headed off to work. This year permission was not granted for large sunrise services but baptisms took place up and down the coast. We asked you to pray for nominal Christians who would come to church because of the holiday. Churches were full and the Gospel was preached! There were others from different faiths who visited out of curiosity. Pray that Christ will penetrate hearts and minds. We are grateful that you choose to pray for the peoples of the UAE. We know God hears and is moving in the hearts of those who live in the UAE.
Ramadan, the month of fasting, is almost over. The holiday will begin on Saturday or Sunday and last several days. New clothes have been bought and houses have been made ready. Family and friends will be visiting each other eating special foods. It is quite a festive time. Please pray for believers to have opportunities to visit their friends and share the Great News of Jesus.
We have several resources that you can use this month as you pray. We have a 31 day prayer calendar as well as 5 key prayer requests that you can use as a desktop wallpaper, save on your phone, or share on social media, etc. Please also share with your churches and small groups. Help us mobilize many to pray for the UAE! May we see many come to Christ and a church-planting movement sweep through this country! Click the button below to download a zip file that contains all the resources. Don’t forget to follow us on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter. Spread the news!
PDF calendar to pray specifically for the UAE
5 key prayer requests for phone