Cricket and Karama

Mark was visiting Dubai.  He enjoyed seeing the designs of the new buildings and some of the architectural feats, but he wanted to some of the more traditional side of Dubai.  He went to Karama and wandered into a park. There was a game of cricket happening. Mark had always been intrigued by this game but never understood it. He saw three or four young men on a bench watching the game. He sat down next to the men and ask if any of them spoke English. One of the men spoke up and spoke very good English. 

“Great! I’m Mark, and I am from the United States. Where are you from?” They were all from India.

“I have always been interested in cricket but don’t really understand it.  Could you explain it to me?” For the next fifteen minutes Khalid shared all that was going on in the game and why. Mark also shared with him that he had been to in India. They talked about the places he had visited. 

“Since you are from India, are you Hindu, Muslim, or Christian?”  Khalid said he was Muslim. Mark told him he was Christian.

“May I ask you a question?” Mark said.  “How does the Muslim religion guarantee you eternal life and forgiveness from bad works?”  Khalid began to tell Mark about the prayers he prayed each day and how he did good works. He trusted in his prayers and being a nice person to secure himself a place in Heaven. He asked Mark a couple of times if he was offending him, because he was not allowed to do that.

“May I share with you how Christians know they are going to heaven?” Khalid was willing. At this time, Mark began to present the Gospel beginning at God becoming flesh.  He found it interesting that Khalid believed in the miraculous birth of Jesus. Mark then began to talk about how the life of Jesus fulfilled the law and the prophets. Khalid spoke highly of Jesus and talked about following his ways. Mark then shared with Khalid about the death of Christ for our bad works and how God raised Him from the dead and gave Him a name above every name. 

Khalid began to shake his head.  Mark knew that he was not going there. 

“You said you followed the ways of Jesus. What do you do with the sayings of Jesus like, ‘I am the way the truth and the life no man comes to the Father but by me?’” Mark challenged Khalid.

 At that very moment there was a call to prayer, and Khalid became silent. When he spoke again, he said, “I’m sorry, but I need to go and pray.”

Prayer Requests

  • Pray for the many Khalids in Dubai who have never heard the Great News.  Pray for the seeds that are being sown to find fertile ground.

  • Pray for Christ followers to be faithful in sharing, leaving the results to God, and to not grow weary!


May 2022 Prayer Requests


What is Jesus worth?