God Works through Our Fear

A group of believers came to the UAE to visit Expo 2020 and see the sights of Dubai.  One evening they decided to go out and see who they could get into conversation with to share the Great News of Jesus.  Some were experienced in sharing their faith while others were not.  Bill, one of the younger group members, was almost paralyzed by fear to talk to strangers.  When the head of the group realized this, he made sure that he and Bill went out together.  John prayed as they walked along.  A few minutes later John felt prompted by the Spirit to encourage Bill to go speak to a young man who was sitting alone. 

“Bill, there’s a young man over there sitting alone.  Why don’t you go see if you can start a conversation with him?”

“Oookkay,” Bill faltered.  “I’ll give it a go.” A few minutes went by.

“Bill, are you okay?” John asked.

“Yes, I’m just working up the courage to go over there and talk!” replied Bill. 

Finally, Bill started moving.  He approached Ahmed and the Spirit showed up!  They had a great conversation about life and the Gospel.  Bill was invited to dinner and even went sightseeing with Ahmed the next day.

Prayer Requests

  • Pray for believers living in Dubai to work through their fear knowing that God has called them to be salt and light. Pray that they will learn how to effectively share the Great News of Jesus.

  • Pray for the Ahmeds throughout the UAE who are ready to hear the Great News. Pray that God will lead them to a believer willing to share.


Foreign Soil, Familiar Truths


Unusual Grace