The Wind Blows

There are images that are hard to forget when you live here. One that has been seared into my memory is the buses full of laborers. As I travel to work in early mornings in the humid heat of summer, I pass bus after bus of workers. I sit sweating in a car with air conditioning blasting as I pass buses full of men, with windows down, the stifling hot wind of summer their only air conditioning.  

These men need so much more than air conditioning, they need the refreshing and renewing breath of the Spirit in them. 

I do not know how the Father will use these circumstances to draw people to himself, but John 3:8 reminds me, “The wind blows where it wishes, and you hear its sound, but you do not know where it comes from or where it goes. So it is with everyone who is born of the Spirit.” Pray that the Spirit would move mightily in ways that we can’t even imagine! 

Prayer Requests  

  • Pray that more laborers would come to know the love of the Father through ministries that are happening in camps.   

  • Pray for laborers that are followers to be given extra measures of grace in these incredibly exhausting circumstances. 



Eid Al-Adha


I don’t want my son to join Islamic State!