Happy Thanksgiving!

Oh give thanks to the LORD; call upon his name; make known his deeds among the peoples! Sing to him, sing praises to him; tell of all his wondrous works! 1 Chronicles 16:8-9

Thanksgiving or holidays similar are celebrated in many countries during the autumn months such as Canada, the United Kingdom, Brazil, and Australia to name a few.  Tomorrow is Thanksgiving in the United States.  Several believers living in the UAE were asked what they are thankful for.  Here’s the list:

  • Green spaces to hang out in and meet new people

  • Multicultural churches

  • Hospitality

  • People willing to be discipled and willing to study and learn

  • Diversity in worship

  • Possibilities to learn from other cultures and ethnicities 

  • Acceptance

  • Tolerance from the government to gather to worship together 

  • Nice winter weather 

  • Friendship with other believers in the churches / other ethnicities from around the world that we might not have ever had the chance to go to and meet

  • Safety of the city (Dubai is placed within the top 20 safest cities in the world)

  • Able to get some American products here (bless the Lord for CFA sauce) 

  • Seeing God move and work in myself, my family, my marriage while being obedient to His calling for my life

  • Openness to the gospel by some unreached people groups

  • Opportunities to partner with sent out ones from around the world for church planting

  • People are taking the gospel from this place all over the world

  • Churches on the Arabian Peninsula

  • Mask mandate has completely been lifted

  • Provision for much good work in UAE

Happy Thanksgiving!  We are GRATEFUL for your prayers for the peoples of the UAE!








December 2022 Prayer Requests


Neighborhood Parks