Supporting a Young Child From a Distance

For six years, Jasmine steamed milk at a local coffee shop in Dubai. She had a strong Filipino community where they would play basketball, support one another and go to mass together. 

She started to date another barista at work and was soon expecting a child. Jasmine went back to the Philippines to have the child. She came back to the UAE to continue working so she could send back money for her child as the child is raised by her mother-in-law. 

Jasmine’s story highlights one of the truths about Dubai. It presents an opportunity to make money and support family, but it is an expensive city. Often an individual comes alone to make money and monthly send it back home to family. Jasmine and many others in her same situation only see their children and family once a year for about 30 days.  

Prayer Requests

  • Pray for Jasmine and many like her to move from a nominal belief and believe the gospel. 

  • Pray for workers who are separated from their families. Pray they will hear the gospel. Pray their families will come to know Jesus. 


Forming a Discipleship Relationship Over Meals


Choose One Word to Describe the UAE