From Sushi to the Savior - Part One

It is time to pray, God spoke as I walked into the mall Sunday afternoon. Hunger was the motivating factor that kept me from taking the 30-minute metro ride home – the mall was just a few stops from church. My destination was the food court which sat to the left of the metro exit. Turn right, God spoke again. Suddenly my hunger was a far-off thought.

I talked to God as I walked and came across a sign that read, “angels coming soon.” I paused. This was new. I took another right and ended up down a quiet hallway. At the end of it sat an art gallery, EDEN.

As I walked through, I noticed words smeared repeatedly across the paintings: love, hope and the end is near. Keep praying, The Lord whispered. In the final room hung an image of a skeleton covered in butterflies and next to it a massive lion with red streaks of paint on his mane. The Lord brings dry bones to life through the shedding of His blood. As I turned to the last wall and there hung an angel – “angels coming soon.” I did not understand why I stood here, but God ordered my steps. He stood with me.

I exited the gallery and came across a chair, sit and pray, the Lord said. So, I sat and prayed. There was no one to talk to – I think I was waiting for the climax of my odd journey that started with a right turn from the metro, but nothing happened. Fifteen minutes later I knew it was time to move. So, I got up and walked. I decided that I would head back toward home but felt deeply in my spirit that I should stay, although I knew not why. Lost in my own thoughts, I found myself standing in front of a café, here, sit. I guess I will sit with you for a while, God.

As the hours past, I reflected on God’s intense mercy and willingness to use broken vessels. I sat, overcome by the Lord’s grace despite our rebellion, and His unconditional love for us. Suddenly it was 5:15 – God spoke again, it is time to go. Where to Lord?

Hunger again crept in and my mind floated to a sushi restaurant at the beach. Why not? The sun is about to set too; sunset and sushi sounds like a good combination. After a few missed stops on the metro, I made it to the beach and settled in at a perfect spot. After five minutes I felt a nudging in my spirit, not here, move. But why? This is the perfect spot for the sunset. Not here. Move.

I rose from where I sat and walked to the opposite end of the beach, to a more crowded area. I wanted to move but all I kept hearing was stay, stay, stay. As I took a photo of the sun going beneath the sea, I heard a voice from behind, “That is going to be such a nice photo!”

I turned to see a man smiling off at the sunset, also snapping a few photos.

“Yes, I love sunsets, I’m excited I am getting to see this one!” I replied

We chatted for a few minutes as the sun went down. His name was Aagney* and he was from Nepal. As we talked he brought up how life changed so much because of COVID.

I responded, “I’m a Christian so it has been really impactful to see how these changes have transformed my faith and the faith of others.”

“I am Hindu. We are supposed to do good things, so I try to do good things.”

As we talked about our beliefs, the conversation quickly shifted back to world events, and I thought that nothing more spiritual was being born. As I was wrapping up the conversation I said,

“It was so nice to meet you. I think I am going to go get some sushi!”

God was not done though. Just as He pressed into my heart that afternoon, He uses broken vessels, and in that moment, He spoke through me:

“Can you eat sushi in Hinduism?”

 *name changed

Prayer Requests

  • Pray that believers in Dubai may be so in tune with the Holy Spirit that they allow Him to lead their steps.

  • Pray for divine appointments with those who are ready to hear the Great News!


From Sushi to the Savior - Part Two


June 2022 Prayer Requests