Let’s Pray Together for the Gospel to Spread throughout the UAE and Her Peoples

Pray for UAE Pray for UAE

Be a Light (make a difference)

There are many learning institutions in the UAE. People come from all over the world to be educated and find profitable work to help their family. God places Christians in these learning environments to shine the light. They often have an opportunity to be an example to colleagues or students. It is special when a teacher is pursued by a student for connection.

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Pray for UAE Pray for UAE

Just a park…

There are several believers that realized that a lot of lower-class workers would hang out in a park in the middle of the city. They wondered if those people knew about Jesus.

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Pray for UAE Pray for UAE

Taking the Time…

All relationships matter – Jessica has become a great contact for several ladies, some believers and some not. She has offered to disciple some ladies that are not able to attend the regular ladies' study because of their job.

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Pray for UAE Pray for UAE

Multi-Cultural Discipleship

A few months ago, Sue started a women's Bible study group through a local international church. In the beginning the group met once a month. The focus was on disciplines of a Godly woman. When the study began,

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Pray for UAE Pray for UAE

God’s Plans

Sometimes when we think a situation is not working the way we think it should, it can be an opportunity to see that God is working in unexpected ways. This week's story is a clear reminder of how God can use an inconvenient situation for His glory.

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"To get nations back on their feet, we must first get down on our knees."

— Billy Graham