Be a Light (make a difference)

There are many learning institutions in the UAE. People come from all over the world to be educated and find profitable work to help their family. God places Christians in these learning environments to shine the light. They often have an opportunity to be an example to colleagues or students. It is special when a teacher is pursued by a student for connection.  

Jim teaches at a local educational institution. One of his male students, Jacobe, has approached Jim seeking connection because he has no family in the country with him. It seems Jacobe had a fractured family situation due some very unique details about his birth. He was born out of wedlock and therefore he was never able to get proper documents. His birth mother was from another country and decided to give him up to a family that lived in the UAE when she returned to her home country, that family adopted him. Yet, during his high school years, Jacobe’s adopted mom died. As a result, the rest of his adopted family left the country, but without any papers Jacobe was unable to leave the country. His adopted family has continued to love him well.  Jacobe started college and the adoptive family helps to pay for that because they see him as family.  

However, he has been left here to learn on his own. Jacobe feels empty, and lonely. This has impacted Jacobe and he has sought to find someone that could speak life to him.  God has led him to Jim. Jim has been able to spend time with Jacobe, on campus he is able to help him plug in with some other students and he has also been able to share the good news with Jacobe. Jacobe desires a place to fit in and find community but does not know if he is interested in the gospel right now.  

Please pray: 

Jacobe’s emptiness and loneliness will make him desperate so he can see his need for God. 

For Jacobe to keep reaching out to Jim so that he can understand the love of God for him. 

For Jim to keep sharing the good news in creative ways to help Jacobe break through his pain and emptiness. 

The healing power of the gospel comes to Jacobe’s heart so he can live knowing he has a loving Heavenly Father and begin a path to healing.  


November 2023 Prayer Calendar


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