Let’s Pray Together for the Gospel to Spread throughout the UAE and Her Peoples

Prayer Pray for UAE Prayer Pray for UAE

Day Three

Pray for the Lord to accomplish His good plans in UAE, and among Emiratis. 

Pray for Dubai. Pray that people of Dubai will not look to wealth for hope and meaning but to Christ.

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Prayer Pray for UAE Prayer Pray for UAE

Day Two

Pray for churches to be planted that are accessible by all the residents across the UAE.

Pray for the Lord’s Kingdom to come among the Emiratis.

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Prayer Pray for UAE Prayer Pray for UAE

Day One

Pray for God’s Word to be received and read by Emirati people.

Pray for God’s spirit to move across the UAE turning many to follow Jesus.

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"To get nations back on their feet, we must first get down on our knees."

— Billy Graham