What is the climate like in the UAE?

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It is a sub-tropical climate that is comfortable and enjoyable for 6 months of the year (October-March). However, June-September is quite miserable as the average temperature rises above 105°F (41°C) and the humidity rises significantly as well. There are many days in the summer when the temperature is around 108°F (42°C) with a heat index of 130°F (54°C). The climate is similar across the small country, but the further you go inland the less humidity.

It gets very hot, but the country is prepared. The malls and hotels all have great ACs and are quite cold inside most of the time.


Winter is a great time to visit and many Europeans come during winter to escape the cold while many in the UAE visit Europe during the summer to escape the extreme heat.

Pray for God to protect workers who are out in the hot sun during the summer working on construction projects. Pray for rain as well. Water shortages are a growing problem across the Middle East.


Why is the desert important?


Brief Introduction to the United Arab Emirates