Prayer Walking and Conversations in Parks

Dubai’s parks are filled with Arab family picnics, children chattering on their bicycles in different languages and an array of seasonal flowers replaced every couple weeks.

While Bettie Issachar was prayer walking in one of Dubai’s many parks, she happened upon a frail lady pushing a stroller. “Your baby is so cute,” said Bettie. She then realized the baby was the size of a teddy bear, only two weeks old.

Bettie attempted to get into a spiritual conversation with Tereza, the woman from Hungary, by asking basic conversational questions and about any special traditions with newborns in her country. Tereza continued to close all the doors to conversation.

Bettie often frequents the park, sometimes she will speak to 12 people in an hour but not be able to get to spiritual conversations with anyone. Most of the time because the park- goers want to relax with their own families, but sometimes because language makes it difficult to go deep.

In a busy city, people form defined groups or stay in the same nucleus of their family which makes it difficult to meet new people.

Pray for families to meet people of peace as they walk in the park looking for open doors to conversation.


May 2021 Prayer Requests


April 2021 Prayer Requests