Looking for a Job

Bisma cried out to God from her hotel room. She needed Him to show up because there were only days left on her UAE visa after she lost her job. There was nothing for her in Syria and her children lived in Dubai with their father who she was separated from for over a decade.  She knew God could do a miracle, but she didn’t know if He would do it for her. It was now months of looking for a new job and her savings were running dry. She sold her house and most of her possessions. She couldn’t imagine being separated from her children.   

Anger welled up within her. She replayed the memory of losing her job over and over again, thinking of what she could have done differently. Should she have pleaded with her boss? Asked for a pay cut instead?   

Bisma knew God cared for her. During the lowest point in her life, when she lost her mother, Jesus had appeared to her in a dream. She didn’t believe in Him right away, but over time she realized that He was the only one who gave her true peace.  At that moment she couldn’t find that peace. She wanted more than anything to stay with her children who didn’t know Jesus yet.   

She decided to invite her friend, Maha, over to pray with her. When Maha arrived, Bisma expected her to listen for a while as she went through all the impossible obstacles before her.  Maha did listened, but then asked a question she wasn’t expecting, “Do you feel God is enough for you, or do you feel you need something else?”  

Her question hit a nerve. I’m the one suffering here because God is failing to provide a job, she thought. Bisma almost snapped at her friend.  Of course, I depend on God, but then she began to think deeper about the question.  

“Success in your job, being near your children, finding a relationship are all beautiful and important things in life,” Maha continued. “But they can never fill you, God wants us to be satisfied completely in him.”   

Bisma started to cry for a different reason this time. God wanted her to come to Him and fully depend on Him rather than answer her request alone.  They started to pray for God’s provision. While Bisma ached for a solution, she also felt the peace again that she experienced when she was younger.   

In the span of a couple days, Bisma got the job that HR had originally told her that she did not have the right experience for. She knew that though she lost so much over the past year, it was only the beginning of a new season with Jesus.  


Prayer Requests

  • Praise God for Muslims who have chosen to embrace Christ and all that he has done for them.

  • Pray for believers from Muslim backgrounds to grow in their faith so that they can disciple others who will disciple others.


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This is Their Time