Lack of Fellowship

Blessing used to spend her weekends mixing melodies for her local church choir in Nigeria, but now she barely has a day off much less a weekend to go to church.  

She searched for community in Dubai, but it was difficult to find one that would fit her rigorous schedule. Coming from a rich community in Nigeria, she often felt heavy without having any believers in her life to encourage her as before.  

The reality was that if she closed at the restaurant she worked at, then she wouldn’t be home until 4:30-5am, but if she opened then she would miss the scheduled time of the fellowships. She did not get to choose her schedule. 

Blessing has other friends who work in different sectors who always have to work on Sundays when most churches meet. Most of these friends are usually putting in long hours. 

Prayer Requests

  • Pray for opportunities for believers to find community who are unable to be a part of weekend services. 

  • Pray that they will be diligent and find ways to grow in their faith. Pray that they will seek out others to disciple. 


February 2023 Prayer Requests


Navigating the Dunes