July 2022 Prayer Requests
“A soft drink company has done a better job getting brown sugar water to the nations than the church of Jesus Christ has done in getting the Gospel to them.” ~ David Platt
Temperatures in the UAE have been hitting 108F (over 40C) for the past couple of weeks. It is hot. While much of the world is flocking to the beach or going to the park for picnics, residents of the UAE are staying inside. Much of the entertainment and restaurants are located in the malls. So while the temps are soaring, people can learn to ski. Dubai, especially, is a crazy place!
Summer also brings many transitions across the UAE. People from around the world will be moving home. Some of them have found a relationship with Christ during their time living in the UAE. Many of those have gotten involved in an evangelical church. Now they are going home where there may not be good church nearby or their families may not believe in Jesus. Pray with us that their faith remains strong. Pray that they will carry the Gospel with them and be able to share in an effective way. Pray that many church planting movements will be started.
We have several resources that you can use this month as you pray. We have a 31 day prayer calendar as well as 5 key prayer requests that you can use as a desktop wallpaper, save on your phone, or share on social media, etc. Please also share with your churches and small groups. Help us mobilize many to pray for the UAE! May we see many come to Christ and a church-planting movement sweep through this country! Click the button below to download a zip file that contains all the resources. Don’t forget to follow us on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter. Spread the news!
PDF calendar to pray specifically for the UAE
5 key prayer requests for phone