January 2022 Prayer Requests

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come. ~2 Corinthians 9:15

Thank you for choosing to pray for the peoples of the UAE. We know God hears and is moving in the hearts of those who live in the UAE. December was a full month of celebrations! There were church programs and parties. There were great conversations about the true meaning of Christmas over coffee and seeds were planted. The government announced a new weekend. Presently, the weekend is Friday and Saturday. Starting in the new year it will shift to Saturday and Sunday. December 31st will see more celebrations and an abundance of fireworks as people ring in the New Year. A new year full of expectation as to what God will do here in the UAE. Happy New Year!

We have several resources that you can use this month as you pray. We have a 31 day prayer calendar as well as 5 key prayer requests that you can use as a desktop wallpaper or save on your phone or social media platform, etc. Please share with your churches and small groups. Help us mobilize many to pray for the UAE especially during these last three months of Expo! May we see many come to Christ and a church-planting movement sweep through this country! Click the button below to download a zip file that contains all the resources. Don’t forget to follow us on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter. Spread the news!

PDF calendar to pray specifically for the UAE

5 key prayer requests for phone


The Barista


Coffee and Christmas