Enjoying the Event (and more)

The Kelly’s attended a wedding in another emirate, about an hour from their home. Weddings in the Middle East, especially in the UAE, are extravagant with lots of traditions, food, music and dancing.  When the Kelly’s arrived at the wedding, the room was filled with incense to make a pleasing smell, then the banquet hall was decorated beautifully, and the food was plentiful. If the guests were to leave hungry, it would be considered quite shameful for the family. The weddings can often last late into the evening. At the reception, Jessica, the wife, had the opportunity to share the gospel with one of the waitstaff. He was so interested in knowing more and kept coming back to the Kelly’s table to ask questions. They were able to engage him in conversations throughout the evening.  However, the Kelly’s knew he didn’t live in their city, so they started asking around at the wedding and found someone who goes to a church in his city. They were able to connect him with someone who was able to follow up with him and who would continue to answer his questions and take him to church.  

Through this encounter, the Kelly’s realized how grateful they are that they are not in this gospel endeavor alone. They don’t have to carry believers from gospel presentation to faith, then through discipleship, all on our own. They are grateful they work alongside and have the opportunity to learn from other believers. 

*Names and places have been changed for security.

Prayer Requests

  • Pray that the people that the Kelly’s found to connect with this waiter will be diligent and faithful to the task. And pray the waiter will believe and receive Jesus very soon. 

  • That you will be attentive and available to share the gospel at your next event should the opportunity come your way. 


From Anxiety to Opportunity


Who’s Your Neighbor?