As You Go

As believers, we carry the Spirit of Christ with us wherever we go. In the extra ordinary and in the mundane, the Lord goes with us, or better yet, he’s already there. For we are the aroma of Christ to those who are perishing.

On one particular day, circumstances arose and I found myself at a place of business. While there, I met the worker behind the counter. She was sweet to engage with me in conversation as I asked how she was doing that day. I asked where she was from and discovered she was from a war-torn country. As tears welled up in her eyes, I asked her how her family was doing there. She asked if I would remember to pray for her country. She shared how some of her close family members were unable to leave as the atrocities began. As tears began to well up in my eyes, I shared that I do pray to God. I asked her if I could pray right then in Jesus name for her family and her country. She happily agreed. So, right there in the business, I took time and prayed for her family to be protected and her country to have peace….in Jesus name.

As you are going, take time to notice the people. Remember to listen to the Spirit and obey as He leads. Reach out to the broken-hearted, comfort the weary, and encourage the weak. And, pray for opportunities to be the aroma of Christ among the perishing.

Prayer Requests

  • Pray for Christ followers all around the world to leave an aroma of Christ that is irresistible and compels others to be curious.

  • Pray for Christ followers to be sensitive to those around them when they are at work, shopping, playing and be intentional about how the Holy Spirit could be leading them to care for others.


Who’s Your Neighbor?


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