
Steven was watching a movie trying to wind down after a very busy day when he received a desperate text from Hasan.  “Can you call me?  I really need to talk to you now!”

Hasan is a man Steven has related to for several months.  He is definitely on the Salvation Bridge, though he is not yet self-identifying as a follower. Hasan has been reading the Bible daily and meeting with Steven weekly to discuss what he has read.  He asks many thought-provoking questions.  Steven points him back to the Bible to find the answers.   It has been quite a while since he has been to the Mosque to pray. He is not interested in following Islam any longer.

In the neighborhood where Hasan lives in the UAE there are some men from his village in his home country, some who have been his friends for years. They know his family well as it is a small village. They were used to Hasan joining them in the Mosque for Friday prayers. These men have been putting pressure on Hasan to go to Mosque and pray with them. He doesn’t want to go. His wife, who is also a seeker, does not want him to go either. However, they are afraid of what might happen if their families find out.

“You need to pray and ask God what to do and how to answer your friends,” Steven encouraged Hasan on the call.  “We will talk about it more when I see you later in the week.  In the meantime, know that we are praying for you!”

Prayer Requests

  • Ask God to reveal Himself to Hasan by giving him direction and the words to say. 

  • Pray against the fear the Evil One wants to use to control this couple.

  • Pray for other Muslims who find themselves in this same situation.


September 2021 Prayer Requests


Financial Difficulties